Wild Spinach, Fat Hen, Dungweed, White Goosefoot, Bathua, Pigsweed Plant, Lamb’s Quarters Non GMO Live Plant
Product Description
White Goosefoot Plant or Lamb’s Quarters is an edible plant. This annual plant thrives on various soils, is drought tolerant and needs very little care. The plant re-seeds itself so you only need to buy one plant, then will have multiple plants every year. They can be used in a variety of dishes sautéed, boiled, fried, even raw in small portions.
An annual edible plant belonging to the Amaranthaceae family, lamb’s quarters (in the genus Chenopodium). It was formerly believed to be indigenous to Europe. Recent archeological discoveries, however, reveal that the American Blackfoot Indians utilized and stored the seeds during the sixteenth century. The purifying plant lamb’s quarters aids in restoring healthy minerals to deficient soil. No of the state of the soil, this unusual edible plant has a tendency to spread swiftly. Up to 75,000 seeds can be produced by one plant!
The flowers, seeds, stems, and leaves are edible. The seeds’ saponins have the potential to be toxic, therefore excessive consumption is not advised. Oxalic acid is present in lamb’s quarters, hence eating them uncooked in moderation is advised. Acid is eliminated during cooking. Lamb’s quarter can be consumed raw in salads or cooked to flavor drinks and smoothies. One way to prepare this edible weed is by steaming it. It may also be added to soups, sautés, and many other dishes. You may add this healthy plant to your meals all winter long by drying it, or you can blanch and freeze the leaves. You will get an organically Grown Live Plant in a 3.5′ Pot.
All of our Vegetables and Herbs are Grown organically.
Species: Chenopodium album
Grown Organically?: Yes
Growing zones: 3-10
Drought Tolerant?: Yes
Edible?: Yes
Sunlight: Full Sun
Detailed Growing Instructions will be included with your order.
Happy Food Growing!
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