Open Pollinated White Chilacayote Figleaf Gourd (Cucurbita Ficifolia) Alcayota Squash Heirloom Seeds Very Rare


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Product Description

White Cucurbita Ficifolia, Figleaf Gourd, Chilacayote Squash 10 seeds. This plant is one of the only few perennial cucurbitas so if you protect during the winter it can produce for many years and it will get a head-start next spring. The tender fruits can be used as zucchini, the flowers are edible and can be used for quesadillas. Mature fruit can be made into candy (cubiertos) and the seeds are edible when roasted.

Species: Cucurbita Ficifolia

Days to Harvest: 120 days

Sunlight: Full Sun

Edible?: Yes

Cold Resistance: Down to 32 Degrees Fahrenheit

# of seeds per packet: 10 seeds

Also known as
siamese pumpkin
thai brown
Thin Vermicelli pumpkin
asian gourd
fig-leaf gourd (also fig-leafed or fig-leaved gourd)
melon pie (in Australia and New Zealand)
Malabar gourd or squash
Common names in other countries/languages
Chilacayote (in Mexico and parts of Central America)
Chiverre (in Costa Rica)
Chinese pumpkin (Cuba)
shark fin melon (in Asia)
sambo (in Ecuador)
cayote (in Argentina)
chila or gila (in Portugal)
calabash of hair of angel (angel’s hair pumpkin) (in Spain)
potiron cheveux d’ange (angel’s hair pumpkin)(in France)
Alcayota (in Chile)
Cabell d’Àngel (angel’s hair) (in Catalan)

Detailed Growing instructions will be Included with your order

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