Open Pollinated Papalo, Papaloquelite, Bolivian coriander 50 Non GMO seeds


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Product Description

Papalo Herb 50 Seeds. Papalo, Papaloquelite or Bolivian Quillina is a herbaceous annual plant whose leaves can be used for seasoning food. The taste has been described as “somewhere between arugula, cilantro and rue.” The plant is commonly grown in Mexico and South America for use in salsas. When fully grown, this plant grows to about 5 feet in height and 3 feet in diameter.
Having been used by many cultures, this herb is known by many names, including quillquiña (also spelled quirquiña or quilquiña), killi, papalo, tepegua and pápaloquelite. Also, despite the name “Bolivian coriander”, this plant is not botanically related to the coriander.

All of our Vegetables and Herbs are Grown organically.

Species: Porophyllum ruderale

Days to Harvest: 90 days

Sunlight: Full Sun

Cold Resistance: Down to 32 Degrees Fahrenheit

# of seeds per packet: 50 seeds

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