Myotonic Goat (Fainting Goat) Kids


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Myotonic goat (fainting goat) kids for sale once they reach weanling age in early to mid-July 2025.

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Product Description

Our four myotonic goat (fainting goat) does are pregnant and due in early to mid-April. We’ll be selling all of the kids once they reach weanling age in early to mid-July. The number and sexes of the kids are TBD but you’re welcome to put in a request now for number, sex, and intact or wethered. These moms and kids have excellent genetics, coming from and having been bred in November 2024 to Lookout Mountain Growers stock. All of the does are listed with the Myotonic Goat Registry. Prices will start at $250 for wethered boys and go up to $350 for girls. Does are the two black and white goats, the butterscotch and white goat, and the dark brown goat. Sire to their kids is the tri-colored goat with the brown nose. Information about dams and sires available upon request.

Product Location

Snow Camp

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