Liquid Bee Feed – 1 Gallon


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Secret Garden Bees pre-mixed liquid bee feed gives beekeepers a way to feed their bees with the highest-quality food, mixed with just the right proportions so that it won’t crystallize or ferment.

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Product Description

This product is a glucose and sucrose mix that’s specifically designed to mimic natural nectar better than just sugar water, helping them build strong colonies in the spring, get through the dearth, and store food for winter. The all-natural, active ingredients in this bee feed feature a sugar profile similar to nectar binomial sugars, and you don’t have to put any preparation into using it. Simply open it up and feed it to your bees!

We keep the cost of this liquid bee feed low, and a portion of every purchase goes to the Farmer Veteran Coalition Fellowship Fund to support Veterans who want to become beekeepers or expand their apiary.

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